Thursday, February 16, 2012

QR codes

This will be a short post, but I am sure you have been seeing these "QR codes" all over. Bus stops, newspapers, direct mailers, fast food cups.. you name it. So what are they? QR stands for Quick Response, the codes consist of encoded information that when scanned can lead to.. website URL, youtube videos, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, FourSquare, iTunes link, Plain Text and multiple more options. Here are a few sites that offer free QR code generators, just follow the directions enter your information and download the file.

I have included 3 QR codes at the bottom of my resume leading to my Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter page. I have also seen many professionals put a QR code for their LinkedIn account on their business cards.

Make sure to double check your QR code to be sure it bring you to where you want it. On your smart phone search the App store or the Market for QR code scanner or QR code reader, there are many free apps and they have worked fine for me.

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